Honduras is home to lots of the globe's leading cigars, that make deciding on a single product a definite work. To make doing this less difficult, underneath there's a number of some of the best graded Honduran cigars.

Casa Torano

Around the time of Cuba's nationalization, Carlos Torano fled Cuba together with his seeds together with experience and was creating cigars since then. Uniting both his family's Honduran and Nicaraguan producers, the Torano's create 20 million cigars to trade yearly.

Probably the most preferred within their selection will be the Casa Torano, or "house blend." It offers the variety of Central combined with South American tobacco plants that provide a straightforward, yet powerful flavor. There will be hardly ever a bitter or perhaps harsh essence, as well as the aroma remains to be long lasting right down to the stub.

Camacho Corojos

In 1995 Camacho cigars were bought by a well-known Cuban Cigar clan the Eiroa's. The family has gotten a real love for cigars for over a hundred years, but left Cuba during nationalization and also the US embargo. They reestablished their venture in Florida as well as Nicaragua and after that spread into Honduras. The Eiroa's keep its Honduran wrapper provides the cigars an original essence.

Similar to a superb wine, the tobacco in Camacho Corojos Honduran Cigars is aged to perfection and give a robust, multifaceted experience. The family's smuggled seeds now flourish in Ranchos Jamastran region of Honduras and provide the cigars deep, mixture of variants.

Gran Habano Connecticut #1

Although these cigars are produced in Honduras, not one of them have a one Honduran tobacco leaf. Nowadays, tobacco is cultivated all over the globe, and as ranges hybridize and then merge, the variants have proven to be consistently enhancing. George Rico (founder of Gran Habano) takes edge of this advancement and wants to use the "best of the best" in his items.

Probably the most prized pieces of the Gran Habano will be the Connecticut #1 wrapper. Exactly what was formerly harvested in Cuba, currently thrives in the improbable Connecticut river valley. Coincidently this field also, the shade leafs original residence, the Cuban tobacco developing area Vuelta Abajo, have soils appropriate for this specific plant.

The soft, lovely leaves burn neatly as well as consistently, have a special white/gray ash, and give a sweet in addition to spicy fragrance, which often builds upon the Honduran cigar's varied fillers.

El Rey del Mundo

Regarded by many people as the premiere cigar that can be found, El Rey del Mundo owns cigar businesses both in Cuba as well as Honduras. Their brand name as among the best rated cigar companies was formerly formed in 1848 and they have stayed a fan favorite ever since.

The cigars are handmade and made from an great smelling mixture of Honduran, Dominican, and Nicaraguan leaves. They have a mild, but still advanced scent which can be excellent for newcomers.


While the title appeared to be inspired by the English puppet performance, this cigar in addition originated in Cuba during the 1800s. A lot like many famed cigar brands, this group left out of Cuba prior to getting their come from Honduras along with bringing in a massive Americans following. People committed to Punch claim the cigars express just how a genuine cigar needs to tastes.

Punch is usually strong as well as delicious, while it may be powerful for novices, it really is much loved by cigar enthusiasts. The particular lavish mixture of Honduran tobaccos mixes to perfection with all the smooth Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper to have one of the known Honduran Cigar.

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